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Our August 2008 issue is packed with great photos, news, advice and inspiration to help you get more from your birding this month:
FREE Birdfair '08 Showguide Pull-out guide to all you need to get the best from the British Birdwatching Fair at Rutland.
WIN Steiner binoculars Enter our competition for a chance to win some £1,000 binoculars.
Ospreys Latest news from the successful reintroduction of the magnificent Fish Hawk.
England, Scotland and Whales The best sites to watch seabirds, whales and dolphins in the UK.
ID Insights Pic out a Hippo – how to find and identify a Melodious or Icterine Warbler.
Hope for Malta? Adrian Thomas spent a month challenging illegal hunting in Malta and saw a chink of hope at the end of the tunnel.
Go Birding Special: Dragonflies and Birds 10 walks with great dragonflies and brilliant birds.
Showcase Top photographers form the overall winner of our top photographic competition IWP2007..
Secret lives: Lapwing: our strangest, most attractive wader.
Plus Plus PLUS – UKBS unique site-by-site guide to all the best birds of June 2008; page after page of ideas for August birding, and so much more!
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
August 2008
Posted by
Mike Weedon
10:08 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Birds on TV
Naughty bird blogger Andy McKay, aka the Leicester Llama has come up with a few TV programmes with a bird twist. Check his list at this link, but don't click it if you are offended by rude words...
We took a bit of inspiration in the BW office this press day, and came up with the following TV shows for starters:
Hatch of the Jay
Little Bittern
Never Mind the Woodcocks/Buzzards
Hobby City
Songs Ospreys
Desperate House Martins
Filthy Ostrich and Catflap
Steptoe and Sunbird
Ready Steady Rook
Eggs Factor
The Bill
Stork and Mindy
Wren and Stimpy
Opportunity Dunnocks
Cormorantation Street
Top of the Epops (featuring Yellowlegs and co)
John Raven’s Newsround
Have I got Smews for you
Doctor Hoopoe (Plus the spin-off Torchwoodpecker)
They think its all plover
Tonight with Jonathan Ross’s Gull
Mock the Beak
Top Gyr
Going for Goldfinch
Some Plovers do ‘ave em
Noel’s Grouse Party
Blue Tit Peter
Willow Tit the Wisp
Jack Snipe anory
Home and a jay
He Manx Shearwater and the Masters of the Universe
Robin’s Nest
Kitchen Nightjars
South Lark
I’m Alan Partridge
Golden Gulls
Rhubarb and Bustard
Hill Street Blue Tits
The Rail Family
Birds of a feather
Open All Owls
To the Mallard Born
Puffin the Mule
Quail of the Century
Home to Roost
The Goldeneye Shot
Call my Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Doves
The Starling buds of May
The Price is Kite (with Leslie Crowther)
Last of the Summer Wryneck
Inspector Moorhens
Dixon of Duck Green
Goose Women
Curlew've Been Framed
Birding with Bill Oddie
Posted by
Mike Weedon
1:12 PM